Originating from 16th Century Galway, the Irish Claddagh with it two hands clasping a heart surmounted by a crown represents : Love (the heart), Loyalty (the crown) and Friendship (the hands). Incorporating intricate knot work symbolising continuity, timelessness and eternity with all lines connecting without beginning or end.
- Designed and handcrafted in Ireland
- Hallmarked at the Dublin Assay Office Ireland
- Flexible Band with Top Opening Clasp
- Flat back open design
- Presentation box included
Motif Height (mm): 9 Motif Width (mm): 45 Band Width (mm): 4 Band Thickness (mm): 2 Inside C (mm): 195 Inside D (mm): 70 Weight (g): 7.3 Hallmark: 925
Note: C = inside circumference. D = Diameter.